Enjoy a Fun-Filled Day for the Entire Family with Live Music and a Jumping Castle for the Kids!
Beer Tent, Boerewors Rolls and Pan Cakes on Sale
Date: Saturday 1st August 2015
Venue: Mzimayi River Lodge – Upper Level
Address: 706 Casurarina Drive Hibberdene
Contacts: Eugene, Rene or Ronel Tel 039 699 3077
Arrival: Gates open at 06h30
Judging: Site, Theme & Ingredients from 07h30 to 08h00
Tasting: 14h00 to 14h30
Prize Giving: 15h00 Sharp
This event is freely open to the public and will be extensively covered by South Coast Herald
- Entrance Fee R120.00 per team
- Competition Strictly Limited to 30 Teams of Three per Team
- Each team to have a Name, a Theme and a Captain
- Confirmation of Participation on a ‘First-Come-First-Served’ Basis
- Teams may erect Advertising Material & Banners
- Each team to supply all ingredients, cooking utensils, pots, pot stands, charcoal/gas chairs, tables, umbrellas etc. The organisers will assist where required
- All product brought onto site must be Uncooked and will be judged as such
- Each pot must serve a Minimum of Eight Persons
- The public may purchase tickets at R20.00 per plate, the proceeds of which going directly to Lower South Coast SPCA who will be on site on the day
- Five judges will judge 6 pots each and the best pot from each judge will be tasted by all the judges to determine the Champions
- 1st placed team wins the Floating Trophy, Dinner, Bed & Breakfast for each team member as well as their spouses (Three sea-facing double rooms) at Mzimayi River Lodge valued at R3000
- I list of confirmed entrants be updated regularly on website mzimayilodge.co.za
- Total Amounts Raised for Respective Charities will be Published in South Coast Herald and on the Mzimayi River Lodge Website